Maker Faire Rome 2019
The seventh edition of the Maker Faire Rome, the European Edition, the digital craft fair, took place from 18th to 20th October 2019.
Robot Factory presented the latest project:
Silver Belt – “All Metal Kit”
to build an FDM-45 3D Printer
After several successful projects produced in kits since the first year of our experience and long lasting experience in the production of 3D Printers, we just presented the unique FDM-45 3D Printer equipped with a sliding print bed with the 45° inclined extruder, entirely achievable through an “all metal mounting Kit”.
The first and only one that does not need any self printed plastic parts! If you want to know your 3D printer in all the details, but at the same time want to take advantage of the great advantages offered by the use of FDM-45 technology, now you can build your own using the Silver Belt Kit and when at the end the you will use it, the experience will be much more gratifying, since you will know every detail really well, but with the guarantee that every part of it has been perfectly engineered. With the Silver Belt kit you have the opportunity to build a 3D printer that maintains the same functional features as the professional Sliding-3D printer (awarded with the blue ribon ‘Maker of Merit’ at the last edition of the Rome Maker Faire), but at a cost really cheap!..
Read more… Silver Belt – FDM-45 all metal Kit