MicroCon Meeting – Boris Landoni presents Silver Belt Kit

MicroCon is a free online micro conference created by two youtubers who deal with electronics: Paolo Aliverti and Pier Aisa. A virtual conference to talk about electronics, microcontrollers and technology, discover new YouTube channels and new ways to learn.
The live interview with Boris Landoni, technical manager of Futura Elettronica (Online Shop) and Elettronica In (Magazine) was held on Thursday 2 July.
The meeting lasted two hours, and we talked about the creation of electronic prototypes and digital fabrication. There were many questions about how to make rapid electronic prototypes and their subsequent production, how to take advantage of online services to produce printed circuit boards, digital manufacturing techniques, how to make PCBs using a small CNC milling machine or how to modify a 3D printer to make printed circuits, such as 3D printing allows you to create containers for circuits, knobs, accessories and mechanisms that would otherwise be unobtainable.
In particular from 01:18 Boris presented our Silver Belt 3D printer
Watch the video of the interview – on YouTube: “Microcon: Meeting with Boris Landoni”
Two articles on the KIT SILVER BELT (by Robotfactory) have already been published in the magazine “Elettronica In” in recent months.
- the first episode on number 245 – May/June 2020 – the article entitled “Continuous cycle solid printing” (It is called Silver Belt and is an innovative FDM printer equipped with a conveyor belt bed that allows you to print pieces of length infinite. First episode.)
- the second episode on number 246 – July/August 2020 – the article entitled “Solid printing in a continuous cycle” (Let’s assemble and learn to use the Silver Belt printer by making our first pieces with the innovative 45° printing technique. Second episode.)
- other episodes will follow in the coming months… for all the details: www.elettronicain.it