Injection Molding System
Robot Factory Srl has just launched its first Injection Molding System, the injection system for plastic molding.

Thanks to his new project, Robot Factory Srl has studied a low-cost production process that will allow injection molding to be brought to everyone’s reach.

In addition to offering relatively lower system costs than other manufacturing processes, this system offers ease of use, a wide availability of readily available raw materials on the market and the ability to produce parts with recycled material, for an even more productive solution, cheaper and more ecological!

Despite being a decades old system, the injection molding process is still considered a very expensive process because the initial plant costs are decidedly high and recoverable only for large productions, with the adoption of the process proposed by Robot Factory Srl the costs are they break down drastically.

The mass production of objects in plastic materials is constantly advancing also through the development of new, more ecological and recyclable materials, and above all through the reuse of recycled materials, this system allows us to orient our productions in this direction.

Two models will be available, one manual and one pneumatic:

First tests of injection molded parts:
Other details: